That's Me!

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Hello, u can call me tama or tamara hehe wanna chat? add my msn or want to know me?just read my blog and follow my twit @tamarrratam just keep follow! Thanks:)xo

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Mau nonton Remember Me!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3

liat liaaaaat ada Robpat!!!!:D @nabbeysha jg suka bgtttt sebenernya gue sih Cedric tp ya sama aja kan-_- wehehe;p
ehiya! parah deh wkwk gue stres kali nih nekat puyeng palaguuu masa ya td sms gini iseng sih ya di save ke drafts gini u're the one who holds the key 2 my heart. i can be myself when i am with u. So, if u and me together, hmm myb we can magic! :P ** would u be mine? huehehehe waagila ya ehgajuga kayanya ya. ya gitulah pokonya hmm
oya td mau nih foto2nya jg ada tp mood droop gara2 adek gueT.T babon emg njg bgt rakus parah grrrr mana gue lg pms jd tambah ga mood uuh byebye gnite ppl:)

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